vCloud Scripts

vCloud Director related scripts (PowerCLI / Python)

Project maintained by tsugliani Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Small repository with some VMware / vCloud Director related scripts


Powershell / PowerCLI script to give you an overview of the resources consumed/allocated in vCloud Director environment.
This script was designed to be used by vCloud System Administrators


Requirements / Pre-requisites

This script will require the following components:

  1. Windows PowerShell 2.0+
  2. VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI 5.1.0 R1 (Warning: 5.1.0 R2 has a major metric storage issue with vCloud Director)
  3. vCloud Director 1.5/5.1+ and vCloud System Administrator credentials


Simply launch the script from the PowerCLI prompt, the vCloud Director instance and credentials will be asked interactively.

PowerCLI DRIVE:\PathToScript> Show-vCloudStats.ps1

Feel free to fork this repository and improve the scripts !


WARNING: Unfortunately VMware PowerCLI 5.1.0 R2 has a critical bug with vCloud Director. (Storage metrics are invalid)
To use this script you need the previous version of PowerCLI available here : VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI 5.1.0 R1

Authors and Contributors

Author: Timo Sugliani | Blog | Twitter
- Frederic Martin | Blog | Twitter


Powershell / PowerCLI script to give you an overview of the resources consumed/allocated in vCloud Director environment and generate an HTML report on the current user desktop.
This script was designed to be used by vCloud System Administrators


Requirements / Pre-requisites

This script will require the following components:

  1. Windows PowerShell 2.0+
  2. VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI 5.1.0 R1 (Warning: 5.1.0 R2 has a major metric storage issue with vCloud Director)
  3. vCloud Director 1.5/5.1+ and vCloud System Administrator credentials


Simply launch the script from the PowerCLI prompt, the vCloud Director instance and credentials will be asked interactively.

PowerCLI DRIVE:\PathToScript> Show-vCloudStatsHtml.ps1

The HTML report will be created on the user's desktop ($HOME\Desktop)

Feel free to fork this repository and improve the scripts !

Authors and Contributors

Author: Timo Sugliani | Blog | Twitter
- Catalin Rosu | Blog | Twitter


WARNING: Unfortunately VMware PowerCLI 5.1.0 R2 has a critical bug with vCloud Director. (Storage metrics are invalid)
To use this script you need the previous version of PowerCLI available here : VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI 5.1.0 R1

Support or Contact

Having trouble with the scripts within this repository ?
Contact me on twitter: tsugliani and I’ll help you sort it out.