vCloud Director related scripts (PowerCLI / Python)
Small repository with some VMware / vCloud Director related scripts
Powershell / PowerCLI script to give you an overview of the resources
consumed/allocated in vCloud Director environment.
This script was designed to be used by vCloud System Administrators
This script will require the following components:
Simply launch the script from the PowerCLI prompt, the vCloud Director instance and credentials will be asked interactively.
PowerCLI DRIVE:\PathToScript> Show-vCloudStats.ps1
Feel free to fork this repository and improve the scripts !
To use this script you need the previous version of PowerCLI available here :
VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI 5.1.0 R1
Author: Timo Sugliani | Blog | Twitter
- Frederic Martin | Blog | Twitter
Powershell / PowerCLI script to give you an overview of the resources
consumed/allocated in vCloud Director environment and generate an HTML
report on the current user desktop.
This script was designed to be used by vCloud System Administrators
This script will require the following components:
Simply launch the script from the PowerCLI prompt, the vCloud Director instance and credentials will be asked interactively.
PowerCLI DRIVE:\PathToScript> Show-vCloudStatsHtml.ps1
The HTML report will be created on the user's desktop ($HOME\Desktop)
Feel free to fork this repository and improve the scripts !
Author: Timo Sugliani | Blog | Twitter
- Catalin Rosu | Blog | Twitter
To use this script you need the previous version of PowerCLI available here :
VMware vSphere™ PowerCLI 5.1.0 R1
Having trouble with the scripts within this repository ?
Contact me on twitter: tsugliani and I’ll help you sort it out.